Manuals are manufacturer documentation associated with a part such as user guides and maintenance schedules. Manuals can’t be deleted as they belong to a part and are held in the Marine Cloud database, just like manufacturer service schedules.
View & download a part manual
Via the dashboard
Any manuals you have starred as a favourite manual will appear at the top of the dashboard for easy reference.
Via a part dashboard
From the view all parts page, when you view a part you will see all manuals that are associated with that part.
Via the manuals library
Click the parts tab and then click on manuals. You will be taken to a list of all the vessels manuals broken down in to categories and searchable by keyword.
Favourite manuals
You can favourite a manual so it will be listed on the dashboard and at the top of the manuals library for easy access. To do this go to the manuals library, find the manual you want to favourite and click the star icon to the left of the manual.
Search for a manual
Click the parts tab and then click on manuals. You will be taken to a list of all the vessels manuals organised in to categories and searchable by keyword based on the manufacturer name, the name of the part and the name of the manual.