User Guide


The tasks feature allows you to create a stand alone notification schedules that are not associated with any part on the system. Commonly this is used for regular tasks such as cleaning regimes required by a code of practice For Example: Super chlorination of fresh water system.

You can organise your tasks in to categories. For any task you can combine multiple Triggers and multiple Repeaters: Triggers are for one-off tasks due to be carried out at a certain time. Repeaters are for tasks repeated on a regular basis.

Manage categories

Add category

Go to the tasks tab. Click ‘manage categories’ Click the blue ‘add category’ button and follow the on screen instructions.

Edit category

Go to the tasks tab. Click ‘manage categories’ Click the pen icon to the right and follow the on screen instructions to rename the category.

Delete category

Go to the tasks tab. Click ‘manage categories’ Click the trash can icon to the right and follow the on screen instructions to delete the category.

Setting a task

Go to the tasks tab. Click the blue ‘add new task’ button and follow the onscreen instructions giving the task a name and adding triggers and repeaters to build the schedule.


Triggers are one off events, once a trigger point has been reached you will not see that notification again.


Repeaters start running once the final trigger point has been hit. Repeaters will keep repeating based on your specified period.


Decide how long you want the task to be overdue before the system emails secondary contacts.

Attaching a document to a task

Go the tasks tab. Click the documents icon next to the task and add any documentation you wish.

Editing & deleting a task

Go to the tasks tab. You can edit the task by clicking the pen icon or delete it by clicking the trash can icon. Please note, deleting a task you will lose all the attached documentation.

Task notifications

Tasks generate notifications which are visible in the dashboard and via the notifications list & calendar under the notifications tab.